Signet launches "Inspiring Brilliance”.
Following the successful completion of its three-year Path to Brilliance transformation, this multi-year strategy was introduced to establish Signet as the growth and innovation leader of the jewelry industry.
Signet joins the United Nations Global Compact.
As a participant signatory, Signet is committed to making the UN Global Compact and its Ten Principles an integral part of the company’s business strategy, day-to-day operations, and organizational culture.
Signet publishes its ambitious 2030 Corporate Sustainability Goals.
Aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, Signet’s goals set the course and build on the company’s longstanding commitment to corporate citizenship and sustainability.
Signet acquires Diamonds Direct.
Diamonds Direct strategically expands Signet’s market in accessible luxury and bridal, provides access to a new customer base and furthers the company’s opportunity to build lifetime customer relationships.