To our shareholders
Our aim is to deliver an acceptable growth in value to shareholders which is sustainable, thereby protecting shareholders’ short and longer term interests. Signet is committed to upholding high standards of corporate governance and business ethics. Our Board determines all major policies, seeks to ensure effective strategies are in place to create shareholder value and reviews internal control and risk management systems, including those that relate to social, ethical and environmental matters.
To our customers
As a retailer, we have a responsibility to our customers. Our mission is to meet, and where possible exceed, customer expectations through a high standard of customer service, high store standards, and offering real choice and value. Our policy is that all customers should be treated with respect and warmth. In doing so we endeavor to maintain our product integrity by ensuring that what we sell is what we say it is and by offering merchandise that is responsibly sourced.
To our employees
Our employees are key to our ability to achieve our objectives and mission. In recognition of this, teamwork, integrity, communication and fair treatment of employees all play an important part in the success of Signet. We value honest, open and constructive “two-way” communication throughout the organization. It is important to us that our employees are proud of the company they work for. We have a responsibility to provide for all our employees:
- A healthy and safe work environment
- Fair terms, conditions of service and rewards
- A work environment that values diversity and does not tolerate any form of unlawful discrimination on any ground or at any level
- Equal opportunities
- Training and career paths, while encouraging employees to take individual ownership of their own development
- Work-home life balance, respecting our employees’ own commitments and responsibilities to family and friends.
Our employees, in turn, are expected to do their best to contribute towards the attainment of our business objectives.
To those with whom we do business
In order to maintain sustainable relationships with our suppliers, we recognize our responsibility to treat suppliers fairly, ensuring we operate in accordance with the terms and conditions agreed upon.Our suppliers, agents and business partners have a responsibility to supply us with products and services that meet our requirements with respect to quality, delivery and social responsibility. We encourage our suppliers to, where possible, adopt similar social, ethical and environmental principles and to use their influence to promote the achievement of these principles with their direct suppliers and subcontractors.
To society
The most important contribution that Signet can make is to perform our basic activity as efficiently as possible. Our duty to society is to conduct business responsibly, complying with applicable laws and regulations in the countries in which we operate, while respecting appropriate environmental, human rights and labor standards.